FIELD NOTES is our modern version of 18th-century natural history. We write about contemporary life in the field and in Academia.
We challenge pervasive ideas and explore new notions of what it means to be a tropical field ecologist in the Big Data era.

Puerto Rican Vanilla
Vanilla doesn’t come to mind when you think of Puerto Rico. Yet the history of vanilla is intricately tied to the history of the island.

On Hispanic Serving Institutions & Puerto Rico
Hispanics are the largest growing population group in the United States.
Yet Hispanic Serving Institutions receive “69 cents for every dollar going to all other colleges and universities annually, per student, from all federal funding sources” (HACU 2016).

On Eliminating the GRE Requirement
We know standardized test scores aren’t strong predictors of success.
So why do we still require the GRE?

Not Your Grandfather’s Ecology
Ecology is changing. This can be attributed to technology, creativity, and female grit.

Rice, Beans, and Other Things: Puerto Rico’s Agricultural Affair
Puerto Rico is at a political, economic, social, and agricultural crossroads. Exciting things can happen at crossroads.