
* Graduate Student; + Undergraduate Student; ǂ Corresponding Author

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Under Review or In Revision (MS available)

ǂ Hulshof, CM; Tejero Ibarra, Pablo; Rajakaruna, Nishanta; Palacio, Sara. Extreme environments in a world of new extremes. Ecosphere.

Alonso-Rodríguez A, Gutiérrez-Fonseca PE, Agnarsson I, Hulshof CM, Miller S, Ricketts T. Hurricanes lead to declines in taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional richness and shifts in moth community composition. Ecosphere. Under Review.

+ Terry C, Agosto R, * Aparicio-Jiménez D, Hulshof CM. Puerto Rico butterfly monitoring reveals assemblage-level morphological differences between seasons and elevations. Insect Diversity & Conservation. Under Review.

* Kusi Obodum E, Hulshof CM, Kester K. Assessing the isolated and combined effects of abiotic and biotic factors on species distributions across three trophic levels. Ecological Entomology.

Johnson AA, Ahmadian M, Jennings D, Pepperl T, ... 1 of 33 coauthors… Golding SE, Reid J. Inclusive Teaching statements increase students’ sense of belonging and increase positive learning behaviors. CBE-LIfe Sciences Education. In Revision.

Lembrechts J….1 of 1247 coauthors (data contribution). SoilTemp Database.


  1. Walter JA, Atkins JW, ǂ Hulshof CM. Climate and topography shape variation in the tropical dry forest-rainforest ecotone. Ecology. [PAPER] [DATA]

  2. * Ortiz-Colin P, ǂ Hulshof CM. Ecotones as windows into organismal-to-biome scale responses across Neotropical forests. Plants Special Issue New Perspectives on New World Tropical Forests. [PAPER]

  3. * Aparicio-Jiménez D, + Terry C, Massol A, ǂ Hulshof CM. Succession and seasonality interact during butterfly recovery following an extreme disturbance. Biotropica. [PAPER] [DATA]

  4. ǂ Hulshof CM, Ackerman J, Franqui RA, Kawahara A, Restrepo C. Temperature seasonality drives taxonomic and functional homogenization of tropical Lepidoptera. Diversity and Distributions. [PAPER] [DATA]

  5. * Lopez-Bustamante P, + Rosa-Santiago A, Hulshof CM, Franklin J. 2023. Tree functional traits across Caribbean island dry forests are remarkably similar. Journal of Biogeography. [PAPER] [DATA]

  6. + Terry C, Alonso A, Miller S, Hulshof CM. 2023. Lepidoptera research in Puerto Rico: Reconnecting with historical legacies to guide future priorities. Biotropica. [PAPER] [DATA]

  7. Umaña MN, Hulshof CM. 2023. Characterizing tree trait variance over spatiotemporal scales in a subtropical forest. Ecology. [PAPER] [DATA]

  8. Beidler K, Powers J, Dupuy JM, Hulshof CM, Medvigy D, Pizano C, Salgado-Negret B, Van Bloem S, Vargas Gutierrez G, Waring B, Kennedy P. 2023. Seasonality regulates the structure and biogeochemical impact of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities across environmentally divergent neotropical dry forests. Journal of Ecology. [PAPER] [DATA]

  9. + Samojedney,TJ, *Garnica-Diaz C, Grossenbacher D, Adamidis GC, Dimitrakopoulos PG, Siebert SJ, Spasojevic MJ, ǂ Hulshof CM, Rajakruna N. 2023. Specific leaf area is modulated by ultramafic soils across differing biogeographical regions. Plant Ecology & Diversity. [PAPER] [DATA]

  10. ǂ Hulshof CM, Umaña MN. 2023. Power laws and plant trait variation in spatio-temporally heterogeneous environments. Global Ecology and BiogeographY. [PAPER]

  11. *Garnica-Díaz C, Berazaín Iturralde R, Cabrera B, *Calderón-Morales E, Felipe Tamé FL, García R, Gómez Hechavarría JL, Guimarães AF, Medina E, Paul ALD, Rajakaruna N, Restrepo C, Siebert SJ, van den Berg E, Van der Ent A, Velasquez G, and ǂ CM Hulshof. 2023. Global plant ecology of tropical ultramafic ecosystems. The Botanical Review. [PAPER][DATA]

  12. *Richins A, Hulshof CM. 2022. Deer exclusion regenerates native plant functional responses, but not species richness in an eastern serpentine savannah. Frontiers in Conservation Science. [PAPER] [DATA]

  13. McEntire K, Gage M, Gawne R, Hulshof CM, Johnson M, Levesque D, Segura J, Pinter-Wollman N. 2021. Understanding drivers of variation and predicting variability across levels of biological organization. Integrative and Comparative Biology. [PAPER]

  14. Vargas G, Brodribb T, Dupuy J, González-M R, Hulshof CM, Medvigy D, Allerton T, Pizano C, Salgado-Negret B, Schwartz N, Van Bloem S, Waring B, Powers J. 2021. Beyond leaf habit: generalities in plant function across 102 tropical dry forest tree species. New Phytologist. [PAPER] [DATA]

  15. Waring B, De Guzman M, Du D, Dupuy J, Gei M, Gutknecht J, Hulshof CM, Jelinski N, Margenot A, Medvigy D, Pizano C, Salgado-Negret B, Schwartz N, Trierweiler A, Van Bloem S, Vargas G, Powers J. 2021. Soil biogeochemistry across Central and South American tropical dry forests. Ecological Monographs. [PAPER] [DATA]

  16. ǂ Hulshof CM, Spasojevic MJ. 2020. The edaphic control of plant diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography. [PAPER] [DATA] Top Cited Article.

  17. ǂ Hulshof CM, Waring BG, Powers JS, Harrison SP. 2020. Trait‐based signatures of cloud base height in a tropical cloud forest. American Journal of Botany. [PAPER] [DATA] Top Cited Article.

  18. Swenson NG, Hulshof CM, Katabuchi M, Enquist BJ. 2020. Long‐term shifts in the functional composition and diversity of a tropical dry forest: a 30‐yr study. Ecological Monographs [PAPER] [DATA]

  19. * Wales S, Kreider M, Hulshof CM, Atkins J, Fahey RT, Nave LE, Nadelhoffer KJ, Gough CM. 2019. Mechanisms underlying production stability in temperate deciduous forests. Forest Ecology and Management. [PAPER]

  20. ǂ Hulshof CM, Powers JS. 2019 Tropical forest composition and function across space and time: Insights from diverse gradients in Área de Conservación Guanacaste. Biotropica 52. [PAPER]

  21. + Echevarria Ramos M, Hulshof CM. 2019. Using digitized museum collections to understand the effects of habitat on wing coloration in the Puerto Rican monarch Biotropica. [PAPER] [DATA]

  22. Wieczynski D, Boyle B, Buzzard V, Duran S, Henderson A, Hulshof CM, Kerkhoff A, McCarthy M, Michaletz S, Swenson S, Asner G, Bentley L, Enquist B, Savage V. 2019. Climate shapes and shifts functional biodiversity in forests worldwide. PNAS 116. [PAPER]

  23. Derroire G, Powers J, Hulshof CM, Varela L, Healy J. 2018. Contrasting patterns of leaf trait variation among and within species during tropical dry forest succession in Costa Rica. Nature Scientific Reports. [PAPER]

  24. Agosta SJ, Hulshof CM, Staats E. 2017. Herbivore performance, climate, and leaf traits in regenerating tropical dry forests. Journal of Animal Ecology. [PAPER]

  25. Allen K, Dupuy JM, Gei MG, Hulshof CM, Medvigy D, Pizano C, Salgado-Negret B, Smith CM, Trierweiler A, Van Bloem SJ, Waring BG, Xu X, Powers JS. 2017. Will seasonally dry tropical forests be sensitive or resistant to future changes in rainfall regimes? Special Issue Environmental Research Letters. Featured in Highlights of 2017 collection. [PAPER]

  26. * Buzzard V, Hulshof CM, Violle C, Enquist BJ. 2016. Regrowing a tropical dry forest: Functional trait diversity during secondary succession. Functional Ecology. [PAPER]

  27. ǂ Hulshof CM, Swensons N, Weiser M. 2015. Tree height-diameter allometry across the United States. Ecology and Evolution. [PAPER]

  28. ǂ Hulshof CM, Violle C, Spasojevic M, McGill B, Damschen E, Harrison S, Enquist B. 2013. Intra‐specific and inter‐specific variation in specific leaf area reveal the importance of abiotic and biotic drivers of species diversity across elevation and latitude. Journal of Vegetation Science. [PAPER]

  29. ǂ Hulshof CM, Martinez-Yrizar A, Burquez A, Boyle B, Enquist B. 2013. Functional plant trait variation in tropical dry forests: A review and synthesis. In Tropical Dry forests of the Americas: Ecology, Conservation, and Management (eds. J. Powers and A. Sanchez), CRC Press, New York.

  30. Violle C, Enquist B, McGill B, Jiang L, Albert C, Hulshof CM, Jung V, Messier J. 2012. The return of the variance: intraspecific variability in community ecology. TREE. [PAPER]

  31. ǂ Hulshof CM, Swenson NG, Stegen JJ, Enquist CF, Enquist BJ. 2012. Interannual variability of growth and reproduction in the tropical tree Bursera simaruba – The role of allometry and resource variability. Ecology. [PAPER]

  32. ǂ Hulshof CM, Swenson NG. 2010. Variation in leaf functional trait values within and across individuals and species: An example from a Costa Rican dry forest. Functional Ecology. [PAPER]